Monday, February 15, 2010

Um...Excuse Me..Where is the Real Food?

So with the GF diet starting today, we spent part of yesterday getting ready for this new adventure. We started off at the bookstore where Piggy and I picked out a great GF cookbook with lots of beautiful pictures. Then it was off to the market to buy the goods.

Saying that last sentence was much easier than actually making it happen! Trying to find unprocessed natural whole foods was a daunting task at our local market. It was amazing at how much sugary processed cereal they offered (an entire aisle, top to bottom!), and only one tiny section (I'm talking a 2 foot wide section of only 2 shelves) of rice. REAL rice... not the crap that includes a packet of mix with it, or the instant kind.

We walked back and forth trying to find the foods we needed, looked high and low, and after much searching amidst the processed Neverland that corporate America has provided us to purchase and feed our families, we found all but a few items that we needed. When I questioned the grocery manager about where I might find quinoa, he had dumbfounded look on his face and said he had no idea what I was talking about. Now, granted, I've never actually cooked quinoa, but I certainly have heard of it. But, I guess for a market that had only one selection for couscous, I shouldn't be surprised!

Since our selections are limited on this side of the Mississippi, I have realized that I will have to plan carefully and take a trip over to Whole Foods Market in STL at least once a week. Thank heavens that we have one (actually 2) so close!


  1. Rinse the quinoa before you cook it, Dena! It has a bitter natural coating on it. Cooks up nice and mild if you do that. Love your recipes; we'll have to try some! Diadra

  2. Thanks Diadra!! We did rinse it and are looking forward to working with quinoa on some other dishes!
